The Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response

The original Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response guided communities through addressing both the public health and economic crises created by the COVID-19 pandemic, crises that disproportionately impacted people experiencing homelessness, Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities, and people with disabilities and/or underlying health conditions. The Framework provided guidance to communities on prioritizing actions and using a wide range of federal funding sources to meet public health goals, address economic impacts, increase housing stability, and prevent future increases in homelessness – all with a racial justice and equity lens.

Introducing the Framework

Ann Oliva, Visiting Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, explained the Framework and the unprecedented partnership of organizations collaborating on this project.

Making the Case for the Framework

Nan Roman, National Alliance to End Homelessness, and Marc Dones, National Innovation Service, discussed the guiding principles of the Framework.